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 It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~

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It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 1:27 am

Ayo, sebutin kartu apa aja yang gambarnya orang/makhluk tua?

contoh:duo solemn, dark sage, thosand dragon

skull warrior, skull servant, dan yang berbau zombi gag kehitung lhoh :p

*udah pernah saya post di 2 grup FB :p
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The Founder
The Founder


Number of post Number of post : 741

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 5:11 am

hemm apa ya?

oh saya tau thousand dragon, It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 2954091526

kalau ini saya yakin pasti benar It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 1348048045

dan kalau salah jangan di It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3036016458
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 57

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 5:20 am

DFFA wrote:
hemm apa ya?

oh saya tau thousand dragon, It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 2954091526

kalau ini saya yakin pasti benar It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 1348048045

dan kalau salah jangan di It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3036016458

udah saya tulis di contoh btw, It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 394276533
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The Founder
The Founder


Number of post Number of post : 741

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 5:23 am

Lah kan cocok berarti saya perlu tidur dulu gan It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3534890097

mata sudah gak karuan in melihatnya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3534890097

nanti saya jawab lagi pastinya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 643347103
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 57

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeSun Apr 22, 2012 5:26 am

DFFA wrote:
Lah kan cocok berarti saya perlu tidur dulu gan It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3534890097

mata sudah gak karuan in melihatnya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3534890097

nanti saya jawab lagi pastinya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 643347103

ada banyak soalnya :p
oke. oyashumanasai~
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Dffa Maniac
Dffa Maniac


Number of post Number of post : 206

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 6:36 am

Dark Ruler Ha Des

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 1348048045
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Number of post Number of post : 26

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 8:32 am

Dark magician, dark magician girl, trus card ejector (klo ada), solemn wishes, gagaga magician, gagaga magician girl, trus apa lagi ya???

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3704439530 It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3704439530
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Ra Yellow
Ra Yellow


Number of post Number of post : 130

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 2:46 pm

Tour Guide From the Underworld
Tour Bus From the Underworld
Odin, Father of the Aesir
Thor, Lord of the Aesir
Loki, Lord of the Aesir
Dian Keto the Cure Master

banyak banget It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3097267581
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 71

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 4:49 pm

Grapha, Dragon lord of Dark World (my favorite It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 364988687)
Magical Scientis
Synchro Naturia ( Naturia beast, naturia barkion, naturia landoise)

hmm, apa lagi yah.. It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3097267581
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Number of post Number of post : 191

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 5:00 pm

effect veiler,lyla,garot,grandmaster sixsam , kageki,kizan,dll
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 57

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeMon Apr 23, 2012 5:14 pm

yang gambar orang tua pegang 2 ramuan apa namanya ya? aku lupa It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3534890097
pokoknya spell, ada kata poison
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 51

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeTue Apr 24, 2012 5:34 pm

poison of the old man gan It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 364988687
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Dffa Maniac
Dffa Maniac


Number of post Number of post : 206

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 4:29 pm

apa lagi ya? It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3097267581

dark magician udah tua belum tuh?
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The Founder
The Founder


Number of post Number of post : 741

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 6:18 pm

aku mudah pusing kalau jawab hal bginian It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3097267581
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Dffa Maniac
Dffa Maniac


Number of post Number of post : 206

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 7:01 pm

revived king ha des

eh ga boleh zombie ya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3534890097
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 98

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re : it is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 7:16 pm

ryu kishin
liat aja sampai sekarang tidak yg pakai
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Dffa Maniac
Dffa Maniac


Number of post Number of post : 206

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 7:20 pm

oh iya, shapesnatch

kartu legenda tuh It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 1348048045

legenda It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 394276533
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Number of post Number of post : 4

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 7:48 pm

saya coba sebutin yang belum disebutin diatas yah :)

- 30,000-Year White Turtle
- Prior of the Ice Barrier
- Mimir of the Nordic Ascendant
- Dverg of the Nordic Alfar
- Freed the Matchless General
- Dark General Freed
- Kozaky
- Elder of the Six Samurai
- Enishi, Shien's Chancellor
- Great Shogun Shien
- The Emperor's Holiday
- Tyrant's Tummyache
- Tyrant's Tirade
- Tyrant's Temper
- Tyrant's Tantrum
- Tyrant's Throes
- Asleep at the Switch
- Old Vindictive Magician
- Doctor Cranium
- Psychic Emperor
- Psychic Jumper
- A Feint Plan
- Order to Charge
- Solemn Authority (solemn yang terlupakan XD)
- semua kartu Time Lord (Sephylon, Metaion, dan anime-only Time Lord tampangnya kakek2 mua)
- semua kartu Ancient Gear? (they called 'ancient' after all It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 394276533 )

apa lagi yah...... 🆒
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 71

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 8:06 pm

Btw, ini jadinya kartu yang gambarnya orang/makhluk tua..
Atau kartu-kartu jadul dan kolot sbnernya? -_-
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Dffa User
Dffa User


Number of post Number of post : 98

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re : it is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 8:12 pm

yg penting tua lah lol! lol! lol!
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The Slaser Crusader

The Slaser Crusader

Number of post Number of post : 126

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 8:38 pm

Walaupun kartu tua, pasti punya combo tersendiri nya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3597367199
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Dffa Maniac
Dffa Maniac


Number of post Number of post : 206

It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Empty
PostSubyek: Re: It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~   It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ Icon_minitimeFri Apr 27, 2012 9:14 pm

The Slaser Crusader wrote:
Walaupun kartu tua, pasti punya combo tersendiri nya It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 3597367199

contohnya shapesnatch It is DFFA's Quizzzzzz~ 394276533
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